[Arjen Markus] (25 june 2003) My elder daughter (6 and a half now, and very keen to learn new things) regularly asks me to explain how the magical device called computer works. So, invariably I tell her that you tell the computer to do this and that. Wrong metaphor! I then have to explain that a computer can not really hear and understand me. And that usually ends the explanation's main course. So, why not use Tcl and the package I use for [Geometrical constructions]? This is the result - okay, I immediately admit that the drawing of the archetypical desktop computer is very boring - but simply run it and see the "story" unfold. ---- # howcomputer.tcl -- # A small story: how does a computer work - for a 6-years' old child # Source into "constructions.tcl" # mode cartesian moveto 0 5.5 textcolour black textfont "times 18" draw text "How does a computer work?" # # Draw a "computer" # moveto 2 2 draw line 2 2 2 5 draw line 2 5 5 5 draw line 5 5 5 2 draw line 5 2 2 2 draw line 2 2 1.8 2 draw line 1.8 2 1.8 1.5 draw line 1.8 1.5 5.2 1.5 draw line 5.2 1.5 5.2 2 draw line 5.2 2 5 2 moveto 3.5 4.5 textfont "times 10" draw text "Type command: _" # # Show the user typing a command # moveto -4 1 draw text "I type:" textcolour blue moveto -4 0 set string {} foreach letter [split "print \"Hello!\"" {}] { append string $letter set tobj [draw text $string] erase $tobj } draw text $string # # The computer reacts "instantaneously" # moveto 3.5 4 draw text $string moveto -2 -1 draw text "The computer answers:" textfont "helvetica 18 bold" moveto 0 -2 draw text "Hello!" <> Example | Tutorial