Version 9 of Monadic TOOT

Updated 2005-03-19 15:09:43 by NEM

NEM 18Mar2005 Been playing around with Haskell a bit recently, and in particular, looking at monads. (See [L1 ] for an introduction). This is a first stab at writing monads using TOOT. It's a bit ad-hoc at the moment, but I think it demonstrates the basic approach. Also, the sharp-eyed among you may notice an implementation of algebraic pattern-matching in this code...

Step 1: TOOT

As I haven't actually got round to releasing TOOT yet, here is a hacked up definition of types that TOOT provides. This version supports algebraic pattern matching (much like Algebraic Types):

 # Install TOOT's unknown command handler
 if {[llength [info commands ::__toot_unknown]] == 0} {
    rename ::unknown ::__toot_unknown
    proc ::unknown {cmd args} {
         if {[llength $cmd] > 1} {
             uplevel 1 $cmd $args
         } else {
             uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::__toot_unknown $cmd]
 namespace eval type {
    namespace export constructor method match

    proc create {name body} {
         set body "
             namespace import -force ::type::*
         uplevel 1 [list namespace eval $name $body]

    proc constructor {name args} {
         set tname [uplevel 1 [list namespace current]]
         uplevel 1 [list interp alias {} ::$name {} \
             ::type::Construct $name $args]
         set body { uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 }
         append body ${tname}::
         append body {$method [list }
         append body "${name}: "
         foreach item $args {
             append body $ "$item "
         append body {]]}
         uplevel 1 [list proc ::${name}: \
             [linsert $args end method args] $body]
         return $name

    proc Construct {con params args} {
         if {[llength $args] != [llength $params]} {
             return -code error \
             "wrong # args: should be \"$type $con $params\""
         return [linsert $args 0 ${con}:]

    proc method {name arglist body} {
         uplevel 1 [list proc $name [linsert $arglist 0 self] $body]

    # Algebraic pattern matching
    proc match {value options} {
         upvar 1 __dict dict
         set dict [dict create]
         foreach {pattern -> script} $options {
             if {[Match $pattern $value dict]} {
                 return [uplevel 1 [list dict with __dict $script]]
         return -code error "'$value' doesn't match type"

    proc Match {pattern value var} {
         upvar 1 $var dict
         if {[llength $pattern] != [llength $value]} {
             return 0
         foreach pat $pattern word $value {
             if {[string match {[A-Z]*} $pat]} {
                 if {![string equal $pat $word]} {
                     return 0
             } else {
                 dict set dict $pat $word
         return 1

Now, let's define our first monad: The Maybe monad. Useful for when you might return a value, or might not. (e.g. taking the head of an empty list might return Nothing, whereas a non-empty list would return Just the first element):

 type::create Maybe {
    constructor Nothing
    constructor Just a

    # Inject a value into the monad
    # Return         :: a -> Maybe a
    proc Return {a} {
         Just $a

    # >>=        :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
    proc >>= {ma atomb} {
         type::match $ma {
             Nothing:        -> Nothing
             {Just: a}        -> { uplevel 1 $atomb [list $a] }

    proc >> {_ fmb} {
         uplevel 1 $fmb

Some tests.

 # Take the head of a list -- returns Nothing if the list is empty
 # head         :: [a] -> Maybe a
 proc head {list} {
    if {[llength $list]} {
         Just [lindex $list 0]
    } else {

 # double an integer, if it is less than 1000
 # double :: Int -> Maybe Int
 proc double {a} {
    if {$a < 1000} {
         Just [expr {$a * 2}]
    } else {

 # double the first item in a list, and print the result
 proc printdouble {list} {
    [[head $list] >>= double] >>= puts

 printdouble {1 2 3}
 printdouble {}         ;# empty list, should produce no output
 printdouble {2000 3000 4000}

 # iterate:
 # repeatedly apply a function to successive numbers until it produces
 # Nothing
 # iterate :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a]
 proc iterate {func init} {
    set res [uplevel 1 $func [list $init]]
    $res match {
         Nothing:        -> { return }
         {Just: a}        -> {
             concat $a [iterate $func $a]

 # mmap:
 # Like "map", but doesn't append if function returns Nothing
 # mmap (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
 proc mmap {func list} {
    set ret [list]
    foreach item $list {
         set r [uplevel 1 $func [list $item]]
         $r match {
             Nothing:        -> { }
             {Just: a}        -> { lappend ret $a }
    return $ret

 puts [iterate double 2]
 puts [mmap double {2 4 5 1000 2000 70 80}]

Now, let's check that our monad satisfies the Monad Laws. These are:

 1. (return x) >>= f == f x
 2. m >>= return == m
 3. (m >>= f) >>= g == m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)

In Tcl with TOOT, we can check these easily enough. First, define some helpers:

 proc lambda {arglist body} { return [list apply: $arglist $body] }
 proc apply: {arglist body args} {
     uplevel 1 "lassign $args {expand}$arglist; $body"

That's a lambda with dynamic scope. Lexical scope would be nicer, but dynamic scope will suffice for this demonstration.

 set x [list 2 3 4]
 set m [Just $x]
 set f head
 set g double
 # 1.
 expr {[[Maybe::Return $x] >>= $f] == [$f $x]}
 # 2.
 expr {[$m >>= Maybe::Return] == $m}
 # 3.
 expr {[[$m >>= $f] >>= $g] == [$m >>= [lambda x { [$f $x] >>= $g }]]}

These do indeed all evaluate to true, showing that our monad satisfies the laws, at least, for these tests. (It should also work for any other test, but I don't have a proof of correctness).

To make this a bit more convenient, here's a first cut at Haskell's "do" notation, which adds some syntactic sugar (see Salt and Sugar) for the bind (>>=) operations. This version isn't entirely correct, but it illustrates the point: monads + a little sugar are extremely powerful.

 # Do notation
 proc mdo {script} {
    foreach item [split $script "|"] {
         if {[info exists res]} {
             set res [$res >>= [list uplevel 1 $item]]
         } else {
             set res [uplevel 1 $item]
    return $res

 # A test:
 mdo {
    head {7 6 5 4 3} | double | puts

NEM Here's a more complicated example, using an Error monad, which perhaps illustrates things a bit better. Imagine a world where Tcl didn't have built-in exception handling. In this world you might have operations which could either return a result, or might not in some error condition. One way to get around this is to return a return code and a potential result as a tuple (list). This is essentially what Tcl does at the C-level: the int return code signals TCL_OK, TCL_ERROR, etc, and the actual result (or error message) is stored in the interpreter. Now, what this means at the C-level is that you have a lot of code which does:

 if (Tcl_SomeFunc(interp, ...) != TCL_OK) {
     return TCL_ERROR;

which gets a bit tedious to keep typing, but generally works ok. What a monad allows you to do is to package up this boiler-plate code into an Error monad which does the right thing. Now, all you need to do is sequence your actions using the Error monad operations, and use throw/catch and everything should work ok. To demonstrate:

 type::create Error {
     constructor Error msg
     constructor Ok result

     proc Return {a} {
         Ok $result

     proc >>= {ea atoeb} {
         type::match $ea {
             {Error: msg} -> { Error $msg }
             {Ok: res} -> { uplevel 1 $atoeb [list $res] }

     proc >> {ea feb} {
         # still check result and propagate
         type::match $ea {
             {Error: msg} -> { Error $msg }
             {Ok: _} -> { uplevel 1 $feb }

     proc throw {message} {
         Error $message

     proc catch {res handler} {
         $res match {
             {Error: msg} -> { return [uplevel 1 $handler [list $msg]] }
             {Ok: res}          -> { return $res }

     proc Return {val} {
          Ok $val

 # lrange $list 1 end, if list has at least one element, else error
 proc tail {list} {
     if {[llength $list]} {
         Error::Return [lrange $list 1 end]
     } else {
         Error::throw "empty list"

 # A monadic puts function
 proc eputs {item} {
     puts $item
     Error::Return $item

 # Print each successive sub-list of a list, then error :)
 proc printevery {list} {
     [[tail $list] >>= eputs] >>= printevery
 proc Handle {errormsg} {
     puts "ERROR: $errormsg"
 Error::catch [printevery {1 2 3 4 5 6}] Handle

 Error::catch [tail {1 2 3}] Handle        ;# should be fine
 Error::catch [tail {}] Handle                ;# error

Note, in particular, that the printevery function doesn't have to know anything about the Error monad. So long as it uses the >>=, and >> sequence operators to string things together, then it will work fine. More subtlely, you could replace the Error monad with a different monad (for instance, one which does tracing, or one which does memoization), and the same code will keep working. Monads encapsulate methods of combining computations into larger computations.

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