Version 5 of Setup of a Tk tutorial

Updated 2005-06-10 18:52:21

Arjen Markus (10 june 2005) With the Tcl tutorial getting mature, it is time to do the same for Tk, IMO. This page is meant to record the structure/contents of such a tutorial.

RLH If you need any Windows side-of-the-house screenshots, let me know.

Introduction: what is Tk? Include a small example that shows the flavour of Tk programming - something like:

  • Create three widgets: label, entry and pushbutton
  • Use [grid] to put them in the main window
  • Print the variable connected to the entry

Chapter 2: Overview of widgets

Chapter 3: Managing toplevels

Chapter 4: Menubars

Chapter 5: Selecting files, using message boxes, etc.

Chapter 6: Geometry management, also frames

Chapter 7: Using simple widgets

Chapter 8: Using scrollbars

Chapter 9: The text widget

Chapter 10: The canvas widget

Chapter 11: Keeping your GUI alive

Chapter 12: Event handling

Chapter 13: Colours and fonts

Chapter 14: Images

Chapter 15: Meta-widgets

... to be continued ...

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