Version 40 of ensemble extend

Updated 2016-10-16 22:43:04 by Napier

Tcl's ensembles are handy, but sometimes you want to add a command to an existing one. This page shows some ways you can do that.

See Also

A Word of Warning

Dynamically extending ensembles is risky. The first examples on this page put new procs inside the ensemble's namespace. Because these can shadow core commands in ::, this can impact the behaviour of existing ensemble commands: adding a set subcommand is almost guaranteed to cause problems!

PYK's refinements to the versions below take more care to avoid this risk. There is also ycl shelf subcmd, which offers a more fine-grained way to accomplish the task, allowing a subcommand like set to be mapped to a command named set_, which can be placed in any namespace, not just the namespace of the ensemble:

proc ::some_ensemble::set_ args {
    error [list {just kidding} $args]

shelf subcmd ::some_ensemble set set_

Or, if the command is in another namespace:

shelf subcmd ::some_ensemble:: set ::some_other_namespace::some_command

To use shelf subcmd with an ensemble that doesn't have a map, first create a map for it:

foreach command [ensemble commands some_ensemble] {
    shelf subcmd some_ensemble $command

After that, use shelf subcmd to add more commands.

Another alternative is, Ensemble objects, which with the help of TclOO try to design around the problem for new ensembles.

CMcC's version (2006)

Here's a simple bit of code to extend any ensemble-like command by means of tcl8.5's namespace ensemble command. CMcC 6Mar2006:

 package provide extend 1.0
 package require Tcl 8.5
 # extend a command with a new subcommand
 proc extend {cmd body} {
    if {![namespace exists ${cmd}]} {
        set wrapper [string map [list %C $cmd %B $body] {
            namespace eval %C {}
            rename %C %C::%C
            namespace eval %C {
                proc _unknown {junk subc args} {
                    return [list %C::%C $subc]
                namespace ensemble create -unknown %C::_unknown

    append wrapper [string map [list %C $cmd %B $body] {
        namespace eval %C {
            namespace export -clear *
    uplevel 1 $wrapper

Here's the file command extended with newer and newerthan subcommands:

 extend file {
    proc newer {a b} {
       return [expr {[file mtime $a] > [file mtime $b]}]

    proc newerthan {mtime path} {
       return [expr {[file exists $path] && ([file mtime $path] > $mtime)}]

Here's the dict command extended with the modify subcommand:

 # extra useful dict commands
 extend dict {
    proc modify {var args} {
       upvar 1 $var dvar
       foreach {name val} $args {
          dict set dvar $name $val

DKF's version

In a comp.lang.tcl posting dated Fri, 04 Apr 2014 09:25:30 DKF posted an example of using the ensemble's -unknown parameter to lazily apply extensions. A version of extend using this technique:

proc extend {ens script} {
    namespace eval $ens [concat {
        proc _unknown {ens cmd args} {
            if {$cmd in [namespace eval ::${ens} {::info commands}]} {
                set map [namespace ensemble configure $ens -map]
                dict set map $cmd ::${ens}::$cmd
                namespace ensemble configure $ens -map $map
            return "" ;# back to namespace ensemble dispatch
                      ;# which will error appropriately if the cmd doesn't exist
    }   \; $script]
    namespace ensemble configure $ens -unknown ${ens}::_unknown

Note that new extensions defined in this way will not appear in the ensemble's map until they are used, so the default error message is misleading.

PYK's improvements

PYK 2016-10-14: Fixed various quoting and robustness weaknesses in the implementations on this page. In order to achieve that with CMCC's variant, I modified extend to accept as arguments a procedure specification instead of a complete script. The main advantage to this interface change is that the user doesn't have to worry about encountering an alternate proc in some namespace.

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

package provide extend 1.0
package require tcl 8.5
# extend a command with new subcommands
proc extend {cmd subcmd subspec body} {
    namespace eval [uplevel 1 [list namespace which $cmd]] [string map [
        list %subcmd [list $subcmd] %subspec [list $subspec] %body [list $body]] {
        if {[namespace which [namespace tail [namespace current]]] ne "[
            string trimright [namespace current] :]::[
            namespace tail [namespace current]]"} {

            ::rename [::namespace current] [::namespace current]::[
                ::namespace tail [::namespace current]]
            ::namespace export *
            ::namespace ensemble create -unknown [list ::apply [list {ns subc args} {
                ::return [::list ${ns}::[::namespace tail $ns] $subc]
            } [namespace current]]]
        puts [list creating %subcmd in [namespace current]]
        ::proc %subcmd %subspec %body

Example use:

extend file newer {a b} {
  return [expr {[file mtime $a] > [file mtime $b]}]

extend file newerthan {mtime path} {
  return [expr {[file exists $path] && ([file mtime $path] > $mtime)}]

DKF's version with some tweaks. This still takes a script.

proc extend {ens script} {
    uplevel 1 [string map [list %ens [list $ens]] {
        namespace ensemble configure %ens -unknown [list ::apply [list {ens cmd args} {
            ::if {$cmd in [::namespace eval ::${ens} {::info commands}]} {
                ::set map [::namespace ensemble configure $ens -map]
                ::dict set map $cmd ::${ens}::$cmd
                ::namespace ensemble configure $ens -map $map
            ::return {} ;# back to namespace ensemble dispatch
                  ;# which will error appropriately if the cmd doesn't exist
        } [namespace current]]]
    }]\;[list namespace eval $ens $script]

Dict Extensions by Napier

Napier 2015-12-27 --

I really like ES6 Javascripts capabilities to work with objects such as "const { key1, key2 } = myObject", so I decided to give myself similar functionality with a "dict pull" command. One thing I am not sure of, is if setting an empty string is the proper thing to do when a value doesn't exist. I would like to handle it similar to javascript, but tcl doesn't have a "null" option which could be used to default to false

I know this is somewhat similar to dict update or dict with but the syntax is a bit simpler and it's designed for it's exact purpose, except that it only unpacks the requested keys and will create the variables so they may be used without info exists in cases that is too verbose.

The resulting operation with extend:

set tempDict [dict create foo fooVal bar barVal]
dict pull $tempDict foo bar rawr
puts $foo        ; # % fooVal
puts $bar        ; # % barVal
puts $rawr       ; # % ""

Read More / See Code DictExtensions