Version 88 of Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming

Updated 2008-04-22 12:51:36 by dkf


This is not a book, though the title sounds like one (or rather a whole shelf full of good books ;-). No, it's just another page at the Tcler's Wiki. The ideas and contributions collected here needed some more indexing, and that's what this page tries to do. See also Where can I find a book about Tcl - Tcl articles.


No rights reserved. Do what you want to do (but consider netiquette and general morals). Especially, add what you feel is missing! This page started by Richard Suchenwirth, but hopefully improved by many of you...

Table of Contents

(see also Recent changes - New pages - Search - Tcl Chatroom)

Starting out

What is Tcl - Beginning Tcl - Is Tcl different! - Tcl advocacy - The Tcl Way - The Tao of Tcl - Tcl heritage


Beginning Tk

Intermediate Tcl and Tk

Advanced Tcl and Tk

Foreign affairs

what Tcl/Tk offer for i18n - Writing for the world

Tcl and other languages and concepts

Fun stuff

Tcl in use in the work place

Tcl Questions and Answers