[Arjen Markus] The following script is a result of suggestions by Andreas Kupries and Jeff Hobbs: how to display tabular data. The ::[struct]::[matrix] module in [Tcllib] makes it very easy to manage data in the form of a table. The [Tktable] extension is capable of showing data in the form of a table, but it uses a different method for storing the data. Luckily, the ::struct::matrix module has a command to link the matrix to an array (and vice versa). Note: from my (very) limited experience I conclude that things are not quite perfect yet. But, with just twenty lines of code, one can achieve a beautiful demonstration of the ideas! ---- Some imperfections: * The order for creating the array and linking it to a matrix is fixed. * Updates to the matrix (via the matrix's methods) are not always reflected in the table. Changes in the table (via the widget) ''are''. ---- # Demonstrate the combination of ::struct::matrix and Tktable # package require struct package require Tktable # # Create a matrix called "simpleTable" # ::struct::matrix simpleTable # # The matrix must have some columns before it will accept rows # simpleTable add columns 4 simpleTable add row {A1 A2 A3 A4} simpleTable add row {B1 B2 B3 B4} simpleTable add row {C1 C2 C3 C4} # # A small glitch in the default formatter makes it necessary to # force a new line # simpleTable format 2chan puts "" # # Note: the array table_data must be defined before the link # with the matrix! # table .table -variable table_data -width 4 -height 3 pack .table -fill both simpleTable link -transpose table_data simpleTable set cell 2 2 XX puts "Elements: [array get table_data]" ---- [http://Mini.net/files/table.jpg] [RS] likes to depend on nothing (and has no Tcllib or Tktable on the iPaq, for instance). Here's a minimal solution to display a table (list of lists) in a [grid] of [label]s: #!/usr/bin/env tclsh # simple table "mega"widget package require Tk proc table {w content args} { frame $w -bg black set i 0 foreach row $content { set fields {} foreach col $row { lappend fields [label $w.[incr i] -text $col] } eval grid $fields -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1 } set w } #--- Test: table .t { {Row Head1 Head2} {1 foo 42} {2 bar 1234} {3 grill testing} } pack .t ----