[Everything is a string]. [unknown] [trace] [send] [introspection] [the idea of scripting] [event-oriented programming] simplicity slave [interp]reters The [pipeline] temporal arithmetic: Among the [Tcl testimonials] is [Tony Summerfelt]'s that, "if i need a program that does any kind of heavy duty date manipulation I use tcl. The [clock] command is easily my favorite in tcl." ---- [Jacob Levy] 2003-06-05 Methinks Tcl has the best and simplest thread abstraction available. ---- Also see "[idiom]", "[What is the advantage of Tcl over Perl]", "[Beginning Tcl]", "[Tcl warts]", "[Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]", "[Is white space significant in Tcl]", "[Tcl Heritage]", "[What is Tcl]", "[Tcl and other languages]", [Is Tcl different!], "Why to use Tcl" [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/tcl-why.html], ...