Version 5 of Tcl Tutorial Lesson 15

Updated 2020-10-05 19:12:53 by msi

Adding and deleting members of a list

The commands for adding and deleting list members are:

concat ?arg1 arg2 ... argn?
Concatenates the args into a single list. It also eliminates leading and trailing spaces in the arguments and adds a single separator space between them. The args to concat may be either individual elements, or lists. If an arg is already a list, the contents of that list is concatenated with the other args.
lappend varName ?arg1 arg2 ... argn?
Appends the args to the list in variable varName treating each arg as a list element.
linsert listValue index arg1 ?arg2 ... argn?
Returns a new list with the new list elements inserted just before the indexth element of listValue. Each element argument will become a separate element of the new list. If index is less than or equal to zero, then the new elements are inserted at the beginning of the list. If index has the value end, or if it is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the list, then the new elements are appended to the list.
lreplace listValue first last ?arg1 ... argn?
Returns a new list with N elements of listValue replaced by the args. If first is less than or equal to 0, lreplace starts replacing from the first element of the list. If first is greater than the end of the list, or the word end, then lreplace behaves like lappend. If there are fewer args than the number of positions between first and last, then the positions for which there are no args are deleted.
lset varName index newValue
The lset command can be used to set elements of a list directly, instead of using lreplace. With nested lists, the index can consist of several indices, one for each level: lset varName 1 2 3 "Hello, world"

Lists in Tcl are the right data structure to use when you have an arbitrary number of things, and you'd like to access them according to their order in the list. In C, you would use an array. In Tcl, arrays are associative arrays - hash tables, as you'll see in the coming sections. If you want to have a collection of things, and refer to the Nth thing (give me the 10th element in this group of numbers), or go through them in order via foreach, use lists. An alternative is the dictionary (or dict).

Take a look at the example code, and pay special attention to the way that sets of characters are grouped into single list elements.


set b [list a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]
puts "Treated as a list: $b\n"

set b [split "a b {c d e} {f {g h}}"]
puts "Transformed by split: $b\n"

set a [concat a b {c d e} {f {g h}}]
puts "Concated: $a\n"

lappend a {ij K lm}                        ;# Note: {ij K lm} is a single element
puts "After lappending: $a\n"

set b [linsert $a 3 "1 2 3"]               ;# "1 2 3" is a single element
puts "After linsert at position 3: $b\n"

set b [lreplace $b 3 5 "AA" "BB"]
puts "After lreplacing 3 positions with 2 values at position 3:
puts "    $b\n"

  Resulting output
Treated as a list: a b {c d e} {f {g h}}

Transformed by split: a b \{c d e\} \{f \{g h\}\}

Concated: a b c d e f {g h}

After lappending: a b c d e f {g h} {ij K lm}

After linsert at position 3: a b c {1 2 3} d e f {g h} {ij K lm}

After lreplacing 3 positions with 2 values at position 3:
    a b c AA BB f {g h} {ij K lm}