Version 1 of Tcl Tutorial Lesson 19

Updated 2017-06-02 07:24:47 by arjen

Modifying Strings - tolower, toupper, trim, format

These are the commands which modify a string. Note that none of these modify the string in place. In all cases a new string is returned.

string tolower string </dt>

Returns string with all the letters converted from upper to lower case.

string toupper string </dt>

Returns string with all the letters converted from lower to upper case.

string trim string ?trimChars?

Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from both ends. By default trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines). Note that the characters are not treated as a "block" of characters - in other words, string trim "davidw" dw would return the string avi and not davi.

string trimleft string ?trimChars? </dt>

Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from the left. By default trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)

string trimright string ?trimChars? </dt>

Returns string with all occurrences of trimChars removed from the right. By default trimChars are whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)

format formatString ?arg1 arg2 ... argN? </dt>