This command is used to create file event handlers. A file event handler is a binding between a channel and a script, such that the script is evaluated whenever the channel becomes readable or writable. File event handlers are most commonly used to allow data to be received from another process on an event-driven basis, so that the receiver can continue to interact with the user while waiting for the data to arrive. ''(from fileevent manpage)'' A specific description of the relations between the [notifier] (at the heart of the event system) and I/O channels appears in a [SourceForge]d description at . ---- From a post by [Paul Duffin]: If you want a separate fileevent for stderr and stdout then you will have to use some form of pipe which you can fake by using [[open |]] on a simple cat.exe file. e.g. set pipe [open |cat.exe r+] fileevent $pipe readable .stderr.processing. set process [open "|process.exe 2>@$pipe" r+] fileevent $process readable .stdout.processing. ''NB: On *n*x machines, just say cat. On Windows machines, you have no cat.exe by default, but a number of helpful toolsets provide it, for instance the Cygnus suite. (RS)'' ---- Can one use a similar trick to put input into 'process.exe', when it asks for it on stdin? If that isn't possible, what if I know that process.exe is going to ask me for me for some specific pieces of information (say, 'name password '). Could I pass that in with 'fileevent writable'? -- Vince. No--if I [[CL]] understand the question correctly. However, exec ''does'' support [[exec $myprog << $text]], which might be what you're after. It's a great convenience, worth learning, in any case. '''RS''': ... and if you want to send something to a process's stdin, depending on a prompt from that, it looks very much like a job for [Expect]... [Vince] adds that, given Expect doesn't exist on Windows, I was hoping that one could at least handle simple cases with [[exec $myprog >& $outpipe <& $pipe]], and appropriate fileevents on $pipe, $outpipe. (e.g. if I know that $myprog will prompt me with 'password:' couldn't I look for that in a fileevent attached to $outpipe and then immediately 'puts' the password into $pipe?) ---- [Kevin Kenny] wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: The usual pattern for reading asynchronously from a pipe is something like: proc isReadable { f } { # The channel is readable; try to read it. set status [catch { gets $f line } result] if { $status != 0 } { # Error on the channel puts "error reading $f: $result" set ::DONE 2 } elseif { $result >= 0 } { # Successfully read the channel puts "got: $line" } elseif { [eof $f] } { # End of file on the channel puts "end of file" set ::DONE 1 } elseif { [fblocked $f] } { # Read blocked. Just return } else { # Something else puts "can't happen" set ::DONE 3 } } # Open a pipe set fid [open "|ls"] # Set up to deliver file events on the pipe fconfigure $fid -blocking false fileevent $fid readable [list isReadable $fid] # Launch the event loop and wait for the file events to finish vwait ::DONE # Close the pipe close $fid ---- [client/server with fileevent] is an example showing asynchronous read/write communication over a pipe with fileevent, in a single script. ---- Here is how filevent can be used to wait for user input for specified period of time. --[mfi]. proc gets-with-timeout {} { global GetsInput set id [after 1200 {puts "Are you fall asleep?"; exit}] fileevent stdin readable {gets stdin GetsInput} vwait ::GetsInput after cancel $id set data $GetsInput uplevel #0 "unset GetsInput" return $data } [Setok] Note that this is not really complete. What if other file events have been set up for the channel? You need to fetch the old fileevent and then reset it. See [getsBG] for how I tried this. ---- [Arjen Markus] You should not be tempted to use [fileevent] to read from an ordinary file that is currently being written by another process. The reason (I learned this the hard way, including a longish thread of messages on the newsgroup) is that ordinary files are almost always readable. Hence the file events will trigger very rapidly and the processing of other events (in wish for instance) is compromised, effectively blocking your application. Instead look at [Tailing widget] for a better way. [LV] Indeed, this is one of Tcl's gotchas - a command called ''fileevent'' would be thought to work against files. It is unfortunate that some other name was not chosen. Current OSes don't support generating events as new data appears on a disk file. Instead, think of this command as being for open channels for pipes, sockets, etc. - things which have applications on the other end... [RJM] 2004-07-30 Contrary to operation with ordinary files, fileevent provides its intended functionality on ports to the outside world, especially serial ports. That means: an event is triggered only when any characters are in the queue (for input). At this place I'd propose an extra option to [fileevent]: * -minsize ''n'' This would trigger after having at least ''n'' characters in the queue. Such an option would support block based transfer and reduce software overhead. Another option would allow to specify a trigger when a certain character or character sequence matches: * -match ''string'' With these options, implementing protocols with ASCII based end of message characters as well as binary fixed length messages would be supported better than now. Any checksum behind end of message characters could be taken into account with an offset after match. Prior to launching a [TIP], comments are appreciated. Ok, a comment. ''filevent -match''... A fifo channel that matches on a string. Isn't that Expect's 'expect' command? ---- See [Port scanning in tcl] for a demonstration of using ''fileevent writable''. [PT] [NEM] - see [recursive fileevent accumulator] for a technique to avoid global variables when maintaining state between event callbacks. ---- [CMcC] would like to provide a little bit of esoterica. The manual states that an error from a script is handled by [bgerror] (good) and that the corresponding fileevent is deleted (also good.) However, in tcl8.5, one can return a -code which is not a TCL_ERROR, and this *also* leads to the deletion of the fileevent. Personally, I think the error handling is being a bit overzealous by treating any non-0 return code as an error. ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command] - [Category File]